Sunday, September 1, 2013


next time you go to church
you are not being prepared
for the next life
or this life
or any fucking thing in between
( in fact , the opposite is probably true)

and above all
remember this
nobody's heart is in the right place

Saturday, August 31, 2013

piss catcher

what do you do with your piss catcher
after , of course , it catches some piss ???
well , i will tell you what you do
you take it
put it in the washer
then give it a wash
funny , eh ???
basically the same fucking thing
you do with your underwear
who would have thought ???

good luck

when everyone treats
everyone like shit
then life simply goes on
very few complication at all
it is being good
that fucks everything up
you know , walls come down
secrets , vulnerability
all of this creates
horrible , horrible situation
that can potentially ruin your life

so what an i trying to say ???
not a lot
good luck !!! 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

the hockey player

the hockey player
was good enough
to get all the chicks chasing him
you know , the american dream
all the sex he wanted
bottom line
he got an infection
and his dick fell off

and that's what i call
achievement in the world of sports 

things have changed

it used to be
back in the 70's
that if you mentioned someone masturbated
in a movie
well , all hell would break out
now it's kinda the opposite
that is to say
if your character is male
and over a certain age 
him jerking off
is just part of the character development
and if you didn't mention it
you will be considered a poor writer 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

grizzly adams

grizzly adams meandered
through the forest
finding people to help
and encourage
why ???
probably because he had
nothing better to do

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

a country song

i just wrote
a country song
it's called :
" if you kill me
i'm just gonna have
to live with it "